31 March 2005
Thursday, 11:01 AM
boss stands corrected
but for my magniloquence
I receive nothing
Visitor Haikus Closed (6)
2. wayne
31 March 2005 / 12:48 PM
After the honey,
a halo of quick amber--
magniloquent spoon.
3. jon
31 March 2005 / 1:24 PM
What costs five hundred
magniloqents in Britain
is $2.50 here.
4. Kyle
31 March 2005 / 3:49 PM
Your magniloquence,
means nothing to me.
5. Rick Maher
31 March 2005 / 8:03 PM
I hope that I can
magniloquently steal this
idea for my site.
6. rachael
31 March 2005 / 11:46 PM
Magniloquent boob
speaking of Frank Lloyd Write and
his derivatives
1. bearskinrug
31 March 2005 / 12:24 PM
My dinner order
sounded so magniloquent;
French food hides the truth.