20 April 2005
Wednesday, 10:49 AM
world’s last horse gallops
followed by a cavalcade
of sprinters in spurs
Visitor Haikus Closed (5)
2. Kyle
20 April 2005 / 12:00 PM
Forrest ran with a
large calvacade following,
then he said... "I'm tired".
3. rachael
20 April 2005 / 1:12 PM
College campus rush
time. Cavalcades of assholes
get spanked and rufeed.
4. Paul
20 April 2005 / 3:26 PM
She cried, "Here comes the
cavalcade!" "Where's the new pope?"
her brother inquired.
5. bearskinrug
21 April 2005 / 6:36 AM
Prom Night Cavalcade;
foreshadows the Cavalcade
of Heavy Petting.
1. wayne
20 April 2005 / 11:19 AM
One cannot cavil
about the cavalier roots
of the cavalcade.