On the Web
- The Worst President in History?: Even with two and a half years still left in his presidency, many historians agree that George W. Bush is well on his way.
- Finland Squirms as Its Latest Export Steps Into Spotlight: A whole lot of fuss over a heavy metal band in monster makeup.
- Randy Glass: Portfolio site of the incredible Wall Street Journal portrait artist.
- Illuminated Books: A collection of illuminated and illustrated books from private libraries fully presented in their integrity and in reasonably high resolution.
- Müller Time: Gary Butcher’s fabulous animated homage to Josef Müller-Brockmann.
- Daily Haiku: A daily shot of Zen. Hopefully this site will motivate me to get my own Daily Haiku back on track.
- Ye Olde Graphic Designer: Fascinating introduction to Blazon, the graphic language of heraldic crests.
- Rob Weychert Poster Campaign: Sign the petition and a cool poster will be created. Eventually.
In the Stereo
- Michael Jackson: Thriller
- Michael Jackson: Off the Wall
- Morphine: The Night