03 January 2008
Thursday, 8:23 AM
PhD thesis
steeped in baffling arcana
and fudge recipes
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02 January 2008
Wednesday, 4:25 PM
a comfy sofa
couldn’t sate his faineance
but sleeping pills could
Permalink | Visitor Haikus (0)
01 January 2008
Tuesday, 3:03 PM
The War on Terror
is more than merely zeitgeist
it’s a board game, too
Permalink | Visitor Haikus (0)
01 October 2007
Monday, 1:46 PM
many a person’s
life-changing bouleversement
was caused by Six Flags
Permalink | Visitor Haikus (0)
28 September 2007
Friday, 9:28 PM
I’m not mendacious
women dig my honesty
and my flying car