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01 April 2005
Friday, 8:33 AM

the subject of japes
has mastered Esperanto
and who’s laughing now?

Visitor Haikus Closed (5)

1. wayne
01 April 2005 / 9:33 AM

loop loop loop jape loop
loop jape loop loop loop jape loop
jape loop jape loop jape

2. rachael
01 April 2005 / 10:24 AM

plop. fizz. "drink up, rob.
enjoy your beverage." zip
rufee jape success

3. goodwitch
01 April 2005 / 11:31 AM

nonsense and high jinks
minds bent on mischievous fun
thy name, april jape

4. jon
01 April 2005 / 1:28 PM

bullet hole mouths laugh
breaths of smoke at jokes untold
damn you japes to hell

5. bearskinrug
02 April 2005 / 9:31 AM

A masterful jape!
That snake scared you, eh Bill!?...Bill? 911.

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