Wiring the Friendship House
23 May 2003
Friday, 12:00 PM
I ventured out to the Friendship House last night, a cool space in North Philly previously unknown to me. DAT Politics made it hop. Espers made it sleep. Lucky Dragons made it buzz and squeak. Nathan Michel made it chirp. Wrist + Pistols made it twang. There was much knob-twiddling and pointing and clicking. It was a long night, but... more →
Filed under: Music
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Keanu Karaoke
19 May 2003
Monday, 12:28 PM
My roommates and I have found a rather nice apartment in South Philadelphia. We signed the lease on Friday. We will move around the end of June. Friday night was unusual, to be sure, finding my Conshohocken cohorts and me receptive to the idea of following our friend Stan (or “Jason,” as he prefers) to a hotel sports bar in... more →
Filed under: Film, Music, Philadelphia
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I Am Spoonbender
14 May 2003
Wednesday, 12:25 AM
I did a stupid thing Monday night: I forgot to bring my camera when I went to see I Am Spoonbender. When one considers the fact that I was actually thinking about skipping the show, the forgotten camera is almost trivial, but, oh, the images I failed to document… Needless to say, the show was amazing. Drums, synthesizers, samplers, telephone... more →
Filed under: Music