Rob Across America
01 May 2008
Thursday, 2:08 PM
Okay, I have to make this really quick, because I’m already leaving much later than I wanted to. Leaving for what, you ask? A month-long, cross-country road trip, naturally. I made a web site for it which is where I’ll be writing exclusively for the next month (not that you expected to see anything new here). My bitchin’ Corolla is leaving Philadelphia momentarily—jump in the passenger seat!
Filed under: Travel
Comments Closed (11)
2. Jody says… | 01 May 2008 / 3:20 PM
Good luck and god speed!
3. Jeff Louella says… | 01 May 2008 / 3:36 PM
I drove out to the west cost when i was younger and lived in the Mojave Desert for a month. Good Times. Enjoy.
4. Michael says… | 01 May 2008 / 4:21 PM
Hope your trunk is full of delicious soft pretzels and cheesesteaks to share a little bit of Philly with the rest of the US. Ride the wind!
5. Josh Stodola says… | 02 May 2008 / 1:40 AM
You should document how much scrillah you spend on gas!
6. Mark Wunsch says… | 02 May 2008 / 1:09 PM
What an exciting adventure! Best of luck and safe travels.
7. Celso Soares says… | 03 May 2008 / 5:39 AM
Now there's something I've always wanted to do. Good luck!
8. bearskinrug says… | 04 May 2008 / 9:48 AM
Hooray! Drive safe, Rob - and make sure that you buy some souvenir guns for me!
9. Andrew Hite says… | 06 May 2008 / 2:59 PM
If you're not doing anything when you're in El Paso, send me an email and we can get drinks or something.
10. joe saunders says… | 13 May 2008 / 7:16 PM
Wahoo!! Halfway there!
I am really enjoyng reading your nightly updates. Sounds like a great trip so far.
Have you considered getting sponsors and doing europe next year? F*#k Rick Steves, he's to damn happy.
Be safe and see you when you get back
11. girlfitz says… | 14 May 2008 / 5:44 PM
can't wait to see you in the chi. turns out there's plenty of room for you and wayne on hoyne.
1. Jason Santa Maria says… | 01 May 2008 / 2:29 PM
Yay! Good luck, and see you in NY!