08 October 2003
Wednesday, 9:40 AM
Last night, I registered team “BREDSTIK Entertainment” in the National Film Challenge, which works like this: At 7:00 PM on Friday, October 17, we will receive an e-mail with a randomly-generated genre and list of elements (a prop, a line of dialogue, and a character). We then have until 12:00 noon on the following Monday (a total of 65 hours) to create a short film (between 4 and 8 minutes long) in the assigned genre, using all of the specified elements. Wish us luck!
On the same night we begin with the film, VH1 will premeire “VH1 ILL-ustrated,” an animated sketch comedy show produced by Camp Chaos. A large portion of the character design and animation was done by my friends Jeff Bandelin, Matt Sutter, and Peter Dalkner, who make up nearly half the show’s staff. (It should be noted that they claim no responsibility for the writing). Click here for showtimes.
In other news, the Trauma Queens video for “Run and Hide” is now available to view online. It was shot in Northeast Philly back in January and features my roommates and me as extras, rocking out in a sea of cute girls and senior citizens.
And finally, if anyone is itching to give me an early Christmas present, they can feel free to finance a trip to Carson City, Nevada, for the World Beard and Moustache Championships on November 1st. My current facial hair status disables me from entering, but oh, to be a spectator…
Filed under: Film, Music, Random